Pale moon standard deck
Pale moon standard deck

pale moon standard deck pale moon standard deck

Protect 2 build loses that board control and mainly focus on generating as much markers on board to pop off Amputation and Sectio Angel's skills utilizing the Protect 2 gift by having Sectio intercept from anywhere and becoming a big shield depending on how many markers are on her plus having Amputation Angel gain 15k and sentinel restrict. The Protect 1 build is meant to maintain damage, controlling opponent's board state and filling up board from Malkuth skill.

pale moon standard deck

The weaknesses I can think of is that its very reliant on having Malkuth be the first ride for early healing or dealing an early damage to the opponent's Vanguard, it is a Protect deck which means it may or may not fair well with Accel match ups and it doesn't do well against clans that rush or pressure early game. The strengths of Angel Feather now is that it has units that heal on ride like Metatron and Malkuth, they have a unit that can superior ride and generate mutiple Protect markers (Zerachiel) and they have the option to board control. Far as I can remember, I played Angels when Ramiel and Zerachiel came out during break ride era. However, Angel Feather now having damage zone manipulation and board control is fun. Now with Angel Feather in the Shinemon Arc, Angel Feather had the ability to board control, but Cleanup Celestial Ramiel Reverse was the first unit to do that but not that much. I like Angel Feather's unique mechanic of manipulating the damage zone. My first build will be a Protect 1 build and the second a Protect 2 build. Hello Cardfighters! Major Spades with 2 different deck builds that feature the clan Angel Feather.

Pale moon standard deck